Where Australian Yoyo Players Unite

We are fellow yo-yo enthusiasts who meet regularly to share the spirit and camaraderie of Australian yo-yoing.

National Championship Divisions
Yo-Yo has various play styles, and in competition there are 5 main divisions from 1A to 5A.
They are separated depending on the number and type of Yo-Yo they use.
The winner of each division will be crowned a National Champion title.
2A Championship Division

Looping trick freestyle with two responsive yoyos
Players use two yoyos simultaneously and perform looping tricks, with the yoyos going up and down in a loop motion.
Freestyle Length: 3 minute Final
1A Championship Division

String trick freestyle with one long spinning yoyo
One long spinning yoyo is attached to the string, and players perform intricate string tricks.
Freestyle Length:
1.5 minute Prelim & 3 minute Final
3A Championship Division

Freestyle with two long spinning unresponsive yo-yos.
Playing with two yoyos with separate strings simultaneously, performing intricate tricks involving both unresponsive yoyos.
Freestyle Length: 3 minute Final
5A Championship Division

String trick freestyle with counterweight yoyo.
Attaching a counterweight to the end of the string, allows players to perform tricks while the yoyo is not directly connected to their hand.
Freestyle Length: 3 minute Final
1A Amateur Division

1A freestyle for first time yoyo competitors.
This is the most popular style where one long spinning yoyo is attached to the string, and players perform intricate string tricks.
Freestyle Length: 1 minute
X Division

Combined competition for all other styles of play – 2A, 3A, 4A, and 5A.
Freestyle Length: 2 minutes

4A Championship Division

String trick freestyle with offstring yoyo(s)
The yoyo is not attached to the string. It is performed by throwing and catching the yoyo in the air using a long string.
Freestyle Length: 3 minute Final
Important note* - For Championship 2A, 3A, 4A & 5A divisions, in the case that there are less than 5 players in each of these championship divisions, those players will automatically go into X division.
About the Contest

The scoring system for freestyle competition rewards skill, creativity, and preparation. Read through to learn how this years event will be scored.

Contest Venue
Dr Chau Chak Wing Building Auditorium University of Technology Sydney UTS Building CB08, Platform 14/28 Ultimo Road, Ultimo NSW 2007

How to Get There?

Get off at Paddy’s Market tram stop.

Get off at Central Station and walk through the tunnel to Harris Street.

Park at Paddy’s Market (Market City) Car Park.